Friday, December 12, 2014

Have a Bar? Now Place it Right

The upper and the upper middle class in India are drinking their spirits away ensconced within the classy elegance of customized home bars. With steadily increasing income levels and greater acceptance of social alcohol consumption, the new generations do not mind spending extra money to avail of the best of luxurious concepts like home bars. The concept is picking up across India and being the host-cum-bartender serving delectable cocktails at your own very own ‘homely’ bar is life making a lifestyle statement. Apart from classy-looking bar units, exotic collections of drinks including imported wines and scotch whiskies along with crystal-ware are also moving into homes.
In response to the trend, developers of contemporary homes across Delhi-NCR are starting to include bars in their furnished apartments.
However, what most homeowners with bars at home do not realize is the fact that keeping alcoholic drinks in the house have a direct influence on the lives of the residents. While the purpose of alcoholic beverages is to unwind, relax and kill anxiety, if placed in certain directions in the house they may not have beneficial effects on occupants, so says Vastu Shastra.
“We all know that everything in the universe is a composition of five basic elements. And as per Vastu Shastra, these five elements have their respective positions in different directions. Hence, everything that we keep in the house should be in sync with the five elements as it maintains the balance of energy that each of the directions emanates. For instance, the storage of water should be done at the place designated for water element. Likewise, the functions, shapes, colours, etc., of each object determine what location is best for it in the house. When kept in the wrong direction, objects programme the subconscious mind of the individuals living in that house which creates unwanted situations in their life,” says Vastu Guru Khushdeep Bansal.
“As far as alcoholic beverages are concerned, the South zone is recommended for making a bar. The bar in this area synchronizes with the zonal energies in the home and facilities peace of mind,” said Bansal.
Sharing information about other zones that are considered to be good for a bar, as per Vastu Shastra, Bansal reveals that a bar in the West-North-West zone can help in detoxification of the mind and in releasing blocked emotions and stress. The North-West zone, too, is good for a bar as it yields the desired results expected from meetings over drinks hosted at a bar in this zone.
Incidentally, Bansal has also found out that one can enhance the fun element in sexual intimacy at home by creating a bar in the North-North-West zone of the house.
If you already have a bar at home and it does not fall in any of the zones or directions discussed above, it is likely that you have been facing some ill effects of the bar at home. There are just a handful of locations that are considered to be good for having a bar at home, while most of the others are considered to be within the restricted zones – zones where locating a bar may create an imbalance resulting in the emanation of negative forces. The results can be detrimental in various degrees – a person can end up as an alcoholic, one’s decision-making ability might get severely hampered, and so on. For example, if the bar is created in the East-North-East, then you find comfort and happiness only in drinking - with all other recreational activities appearing to be meaningless.
Likewise, a bar in the East can hamper your social relationships, and if it is in South-East, it may have you lose money, primarily on drinks.
Bansal says, “ All the directions and the causes that are discussed here are not merely based on an analysis of what Vastu Shastra says, but are also the observations from my experience of over 20 years. I have observed how small changes in the house can have a major influence on the lives of its residents. In the case of a bar, I know a lot of people whose lives changed for the better after placing one at the right direction in their homes. I also know a celebrity who had become alcoholic from the day he got a bar in his new apartment; he stopped getting assignments from the Industry, which sent him further into depression. Subsequently, I recommended a change of location for the bar and after the relocation, the actor started seeing the effects of it and also signed up for an assignment with a leading media house.”
“We have become quite used to hearing about lifestyle diseases. We also know that they are consequent to the various changes in an individual’s lifestyle. I am sure these diseases can be prevented to a great extent with a few precautions, and by placing our faith in what was discovered thousands of years ago. I am sure that such ancient wisdom will always remain relevant because it is based on scientific reasoning and logic,” Bansal concludes.

It does not take much effort to place the bar in the right direction – all you need to do is either decode the Vastu Shastra yourself or seek reliable advice. After all, it makes immense sense to invest some time in finding the right direction of placement for an expensive bar, which you might want to get rid off if found negating the positivity of the house.

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